Saturday, August 30, 2008

Moon Sighting Tomorrow

Ramadhan is arriving soon. I think most of you like me miss the month of Ramadhan and can't wait for it come. So have you done your preparations for fasting? Paid your fasting that you missed last year? Antar baju to tailor? ehehe I'm still making calculations on how to pay my baju and my robe hahahah mcm kaching2 $$$.. *sigh Pening psl $..

Tomorrow is the moon sighting for Ramadhan and tomorrow ada function makan doa arwah dirumah. (Jah awal dtg ah heheh) Whatever the results of the moon sighting is 'Selamat Datang bulan Ramadhan!'

Bayak is back from Spore. Don't know when exactly ia balik. Tried to msn him p nada reply..tido kali.. I wonder what the rest are doing....