Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photos from my doa selamat 21.09.08 and masa medical check

Here are some photos I haven't uploaded yet..

Doa Selamat 21.09.08

Heheh..ani gambar masa kami medical check pas be xray sampat lg begambar tu...

4 days and i ready?

What has been happening today? Tadi the family and I went to the kubur to pay our respects and prayers to the ones that have left us. According to my cuz we went to 8 gravesites and ramai rupanya cucu cicit nini hj abdul rahman ani hehehe and plus tetamu yg tidak diundang..i dnt mind plg kalau drg ikut jua membaca but ani they just sit there doing nothing nda jua membawa berkat.*sigh nda ku paham..

Well, lets forget about that. Let us focus on tomorrow.. Now why tomorrow?pasal we're going to have 'Mari !beinggui besungkai kali kedua!!'. Details below..

Date: 29th September 2008, Monday

Venue: Capers @ Kuilap

Time: Sungkai time!! (ndakn lunch kali?)

The gang is coming plus darli.. One more outing before I go because I don't know many of them are able to send me at the airport..isk isk.. I will update with photos soon after tomorrow.

Okay den need to get my stuffs just dragging it heheheheh