The Mug
The Bikini (saja2 ne)The front and back of the tshirt
Anyone want to order?leave a comment hihihih...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Check out our merchandise :p
Apa ada nah?
Busy, busy, busy week.. our final results are'nt out yet which is kinda fustrating coz' mcm alum free rasanya. (if u know what i mean) heheh..well monday went to UBD to get those certs chopped then went to moe to sort out stuff. We were told to wait for our classification then we can send in our masters application. Hopefully our classification doesn't get effected by the late results Amin~ hopefully we can get through (2.1 results) Amin ya rabbal alamin~
Then the next day me and far went out to go to BIBD to get application form which apparently nada misti buat cover letter segala hahahahhahah then we were clueless nda tau kmana skali we went to ambil borang cigu for far went to supa save mabohai bali toiletries heheh n had lunch d ideal gdg properties hahahahhaahha jauh jua kn tu..then we went to watch a movie (buang tebiat) 3 urg saja kami, liat Hulk siuk jua lh. next movie I want to watch is Hancock the trailer seemed good its opening today btw.
Sekali kelmarin ada job interview. hmm..i don't think I'm going to take up the job on various reasons.hopefully ada lg rezki lain datang amin~
Were planning a BBQ soon so there will be updates :D