Uploading photos to facebook right now. Will upload some photos here too. The dinner was great. Meriah jua, we managed to rack up the bill up to over $400. (Tabal yo duit masa ku collect ah mcm ceti haram). The food was good too, not really my favourite tapi kanyang lh jua.Alhamdulilah. About 24 people came hahah i know i know i still dnt know how many came just now..yang spoil sikit was the tables lh psl split into two if we had one long table siuk kali mcm2 ulah. We'll all get together again some day. Thank u guys for coming and making it a great night!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
B.Sc Education 2004 Dinner
Monday, June 9, 2008
Siuk ne hari Rabu..
Dinner update here..about 25 people are coming on Wednesday.Sure hoped for a lot more though but some can't make it for their own reasons. Maybe next time hehe..if there is going to be a next time (takut busy after this). Will be making the reservations tommorrow. So guys see you on Wednesday and don't forget your $16.80!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Kung fu panda rocks!
Watched it tadi..it was freaking hilarious. I don't normally like Jack Black's acting (sorry to those yg minat) but in this movie it made me forget who he really was. I would have enjoyed it more if there weren't these certain people behind us laughing at every movement that Po made (Po is the panda) it was ridiculous.hehee i know i have a sense of humour but this?hehehe But overall it was two thumbs up and I recommend this to others to cheer them up especially to those young at heart. :D
Photo taken from http://www.freetimes.com/stories/15/57/jacks-back
B.Sc Education 2004 Dinner
An event to get together to catch up before we go our separate ways. I know we will always say we will keep in touch but things will happen and we are not able to (sengaja or not). So I hope the gengs can come.
- Date: 11 June 2008, Wednesday
- Time: 7.00 p.m.
- Venue: Millenium Restaurant, Supa Save Beribi Gadong
Other: Buffet is $16.80 per person, partners are welcomed with the same price.
To B.Sc Education 2004, please make it!! It'll be fun..