Exams are over but nothing is the same. There is still a lot to think about especially for the upcoming months. Firstly, I need to decide on a topic for my dissertation soon within the next two weeks or so. I will be expecting my sister from Bath on Saturday and my other sister and cousin form Brunei mid June.
Hopefully my exam results would be good (amin) tinggal tawakkal saja lagi..sometimes I think too much in terms of results. Its just that when seeing some people getting better results it makes me feel disappointed in mine. I mean I should be grateful that I passed shouldn't I? but I can't stop feeling that I could have done better when I knew I tried my best. But then again maybe it was not good enough. Maybe ada hikmah behind this that I will soon find out so for the time being sabar saja and work harder :) Allah itu maha adil and Allah bayar semua tunai.
Well, anyhoo..regarding the title of this post. Its June! This is the month that we decided to celebrate our anniversary for our group. It all started with the creation of our group in facebook this month last year. Although it has only been a year but our friendship has been longer than that. I would say about 5 years since the beggining of UBD years. And I hope that we have many years to come. No matter how far we are or what ever we are doing we will always stay friends as long as we live amin :)
I would also like to wish a belated shoutout to 2 of our own, Aslam and Rina:
Rina 20th May
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