Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jumping around the world to make it smaller!!!

I had a bit of a break last weekend. And went out to Southampton with my cuzs. I'm really glad I went it was so much fun! My cuz suggested that we try one county a month thing and see how it goes hehe..if we do follow thru' pictures will be posted to prove it :) heheh so here we were at Southampton, UK. Enjoy....

Part of Southampton's Bar Gate

Up one of the towers

A statue of one of Soton's mayors way back then overlooking the city on the bridge
The front of Bar Gate (I think..)
A replica of a ship that was used way back then..(Well, how they started to build one)
Jumping.. jumping.. (we had laughs!!!! it took us more than 10 shoots I think)

What a long train journey and a camera can make you do :)

Lil ms. hello kitty waiting for percy the train

Please stay tuned for the next update on !B..a few shots of !B out for national day!

Happy 25th Birthday BRUNEI!!
!Beinggui Inc